It Happened Here-- The Markers Revisited, (Or--Hey, I'm Back !)
After six years and 134 posts I stopped posting in September 2013 and continued this rather long hiatus until recently. On a random afternoon, a few weeks ago, I was perusing through some of my old blog posts and happened to glance at "Google Analytics". To my astonishment, I discovered the blog had recorded over 120,000 "page views" and it continues to accumulate them, years after year! (One thing about writing history, I guess you don't have to worry about the subject matter getting old!). The medical issues that discouraged me from continuing have not worsened, and Hell, I'm STILL younger than the last two president we have had. So I thought, "What the hey--Maybe I will start blogging again."
In case you are new to this blog, I am reposting part of the original introduction to the Blog.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
It Happened Here--A Blog About NewYork State Historical Markers
They stand in rolling grassy battlefields.
and on the manicured lawns of historic houses,
and in modest places of honor on village greens;
They also stand ignored on weedy towpaths,
rusting on the overgrown margins of a farmer's field,
and knocked askew from the assaults of snowplows and errant automobiles, along empty stretches of New York's highways.
They are the blue and yellow cast iron /aluminum markers of New York State Historical Markers*.
Index to Blog Posts/ by Publication Date
To find any listed Blog Post look down the list of titles to find any that interest you. Note the month/year of posting. Go to a recent blog post and look for that month/year in the menu on the right. Click on the year, then month. Your title will come up with the others from that month. Click on your chosen title and the blog post will appear.
It Happened Here--The Judge's Youngest Brother Visits (Stephen Crane) 8/19
It Happened Here--The New York-New Jersey Line War 8/18
It Happened Here -- Carding and Fulling (and Linen Mills,too) 8/18
It Happened Here -- The Battle of Plattsburgh Part 3 8/18
It Happened Here –The Battle of Plattsburgh Part 1 7/18
It Happened Here -- Ulysses S. Grant on Horses,Smoking, Dying and
Determination 7/18
It Happened Here --The Battle of Valcour Island Part 2 7/18
It Happened Here -- The Battle of Valcour Island Part 1 6/18
It Happened Here-- Troy's Samuel Wilson/America' Uncle Sam 6/18
It Happened Here--A Royal Sketch (Louis Phillipe) 6/18
It Happened Here -- "Good Indians" … 9/16
It Happened Here--The Expressmen Part 1 (Wells,Fargo) 9/16
It Happened Here–”A Man of Public Usefulness and Private Worth” (J. Peck) 8/16
It Happened Here–Lost Towns of the Revolution 8/16
It Happened Here--"Jemima said she had Died “(J.Wilkinson) 11/15
t Happened Here–”Big Water” 11/15
It Happened Here– A Desperate Alarum (Symon Schermerhorn) 9/15
It Happened Here– In Sir William’s Footsteps, Will Gililand 9/15
It Happened Here–In Sir William’s Footsteps, the Jessups 8/15
It Happened Here– The Short Violent Life of Walter Butler Pt. 2 8/15
It Happened Here–The Short Violent Life of Walter Butler Pt. 1 8/15
It Happened Here–The Professional Locksmith (Linus Yale) 8/15
It Happened Here–The “Rust Belt” of Colonial New York 7/15
It Happened Here–The Marksman (Timothy Murphy) 7/15
It Happened Here–At the Liberty Pole 7/15
It Happened Here– Some Lesser Lights (VanDerKemp,Benton,Sembrich) 6/15
It Happened Here– Blockhouses 6/15
It Happened Here– The Mohicans and the Moravians 6/15
It Happened Here–The People of the River that Flows Both Ways 5/15
It Happened Here–The Physicians Wore Petticoats (Blackwell, Strowbridge) 5/15
It Happened Here–In a “Cockpit” of History 5/15
It Happened Here–(Part II)-- A Marker was Erected…. 4/15
It Happened Here– A Marker was Erected…. 3/15
It Happened Here– The Big Cheeses 3/15
It Happened Here– [Part II] A Close Thing (Twice) at Sackett’s Harbor 3/15
It Happened Here– A Close Thing (Twice) at Sackett’s Harbor (Part 1) 2/15
It Happened Here– Zim’s Bandstand 2/15
It Happened Here–A Man in the Shadows 2/15
It Happened Here–The Man Behind the Cast Iron Plow (Jethro Wood) 1/15
It Happened Here -- N.Y.'s Ghost Towns 12/14
It Happened Here -- "It's a Wonderful Life “ (Frank Capra) 12/14
It Happened Here --The Battle of Big Sandy and the Big Cable Carry. 12/14.
It Happened Here--REF 025.4 DEW (Melvil Dewey) 12/14
It Happened Here -- The Life of Nick Stoner 12/14
It Happened Here --Z.Pratt (part II) 11/1
It Happened Here -Veterans Laid to Rest 11/14
It Happened Here --Zadock Pratt and the Town He Built 11/14
It Happened Here -- The Fish House (Sir Wm.Johnson) 10/14
It Happened Here -- Days of Decision:Schoharie, summer 1777 10/14
It Happened Here -- Before the Erie, Champlain, and other Canals 10/14
It Happened Here --The Little Pilot House on the Hill (Mark Twain) 10/14
It Happened Here –Salt City 9/14
It Happened Here –The Other French and Indian Wars (part II) (Jesuits) 9/14
It Happened Here –The Other French and Indian Wars (part I) (Champlain) 9/14
It Happened Here --Tryon County’s Women in War (continued) 9/14
It Happened Here –Tryon County’s Women in War 9/14
It Happened Here --Addenda! 9/1
It Happened Here –Checking Out Stories 7/14
It Happened Here –The Hunt for Me 7/14
It Happened Here --Canojoharie,Montgomery Co. Road Trip 6/14
It Happened Here -- Road Trip to Northern Washington Co. 6/14
It Happened Here –” The War of the Currents” (Edison,Westinghouse) 6/14
It Happened Here -- “Dallas” on the Hudson (the Livingstons) 5/14
It Happened Here –The Man who Didn’t Invent Baseball (Doubleday) 5/14
It Happened Here –What If… (the Montgomerys) 4/14
It Happened Here --War Stories (Elmer Ellsworth,James Tanner) 4/14
It Happened Here –In Precarious Positions (Sojourner Truth)) 4/14
It Happened Here –Welcome to a Tech Valley–1830 style! 4/14
It Happened Here --The Radical Doctor who Named a State (Thomas Young) 4/14
It Happened Here –Cold Temps and Snowbanks 4/14
It Happened Here –The Van Ness Murder and some further thoughts on…Tories 4/14
It Happened Here --Two Tory Families (Martin Van Buren, Simon Fraser) 3/14
It Happened Here–The Albany Regency (Martin Van Buren) 3/14
It Happened Here–Marker for a Mastodon (James Hall) 3/14
It Happened Here–King of the (Indian) Traders (George Groghan) 3/14
It Happened Here –First Contacts (Hudson) 1/14
It Happened Here –The Forgotten Advocate–Jesse Torrey 1/14
It Happened Here –New World Dutch Barns 1/14
It Happened Here --Uncle Dan’s Town (Dan O’Connell) 1/14
It Happened Here -- Big Bells, Little Bell (Wm. Barton) 12/13
It Happened Here -- Big Bells, Little (Meneeley) 12/13
It Happened Here -- The Captivity Narratives (F.Schermerhorn) 12/13
It Happened Here -- Drawn to Sea (Herman Mellville) 12/13
It Happened Here -- The Daredevil from Hammondsport (Glenn Curtiss) 12/13
It Happened Here --The Battles on Snowshoes (Robert Rogers) 11/13
It Happened Here -- The "Tanlords" of the Catskills (Wm.Edwards, Z.Pratt) 11/13
It Happened Here -- The Lingering Death of the Leaseholds (AntiRent Wars) 11/13
It Happened Here -- The Ghost of Duncan Campbell 10/13
It Happened Here -- From Alps, to Berne to Andes (AntiRent Wars) 10/13
It Happened Here -- The Physicians Who Practiced Sedition (AntiRent Wars) 10/13
It Happened Here--The Electric State, Pt. 1 (Joseph Henry, A.Penfield) 10/13
It Happened Here -- Pay As You Go (Turnpikes) 9/13
It Happened Here -- "The Grand Old Man of Nature (John Burroughs) 9/13
It Happened Here -- "The Tavern Lamps are Burning 9/13
It Happened Here–Pioneers and Potash 8/13
It Happened Here–The Tavern Lights are Burning 7/13
It Happened Here–Winifred Goldring, Paleontologist 7/13
It Happened Here -- The Mexican War: So Long Ago, so Far Away
(W.Worth,J.Quitman) 7/13
t Happened Here --The Tough, Wiley Scotsman and his Diligent Vrouw
(Livingston) 6/13
It Happened Here -- The "Lily" (Amelia Bloomer) 6/13
It Happened Here -- The "Naples Tree" (D.Dana Luther) 6/13
It Happened Here -- The Oil Driller (Edwin Drake) 6/13
It Happened Here -- Knox: the Pillbox Capital of the World 6/13
It Happened Here -- The "Battle" of Clarksville (AntiRent War) 5/13
It Happened Here -- The Man who Measured (and Saved) the Mountains ,Cont 5/13.
It Happened Here -- The Man who Measured(and Saved) the Mountains ( V. Colvin ) 4/13 IIt Happened Here -- "A Noble Train of Artillery” (Henry Knox) 4/13
It Happened Here -- Grandma Moses, Her Life 4/13 It Happened Here -- In Precarious Positions (Solomon Northrup) 4/13
It Happened Here--In Precarious Positions (Charles Nalle) 3/13
It Happened Here – A Tale of Two Railroads 3/13
It Happened Here –Caution: Fragile Sign Ahead 3/13
It Happened Here -- Citizen Genet 2/13
It Happened Here – Answers to the President’s Week Quiz 2/13
It Happened Here – A Quiz for President’s Week 2/13
It Happened Here--A Blog About NewYork State Historical Markers 2/13
Next Time-- It Happened Here--The Battle of Minisink Ford
Part 2--The Battle in a "Howling Wilderness"
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