It Happened Here -- "The War of the Currents"
In August 1890, at Auburn Prison convicted axe-murder William Klemmer was strapped into a specially constructed wooden chair and received 1000 volts through his body which stiffened and appeared dead after seventeen seconds but then, to the horror of the assembled witnesses, continued to breath. The voltage was stepped up to more than 2000 volts and reapplied. Again Klemmer's body stiffened as the repugnant smell of burned flesh filled the chamber. After eight minutes the horror- strickened witnesses poured out of the room. Almost immediately the debate began. Was Klemmer's death, for all its ghastliness, relatively painless?--as proponents maintained, or was the whole procedure from the shaving of the condemned man's head, through the attaching of wires, to strapping him in, itself, emotionally cruel?--as opponents maintained. Harold Brown, for his part, deeply affected, dropped from public view, while some engineers in the Edison camp congratulated each other and publicly suggested execution by electric current be called "Westinghousing." New York State's official mode of execution continued to be electrocution.
Thomas Edison began work as a telegraph operator during the Civil War. He produced several improvements to telegraph technologies including the stock ticker and a quadruplex system that allowed for four signals to be sent over a single wire simultaneously. Selling this invention to Western Union, he was able to establish his laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey where he would direct a large group of craftsmen and engineers to work on various projects. Edison gained world renown for his invention of the phonograph in 1877 and two years later began research into creating a practical incandescent light that could be used to illuminate indoor spaces, and replace gas lighting.
With the creation of a practical incandescent lamp, Edison needed to build facilities to generate and distribute electric power. Moving into an old boat-building plant in Manhattan, he constructed the Pearl Street Power Station which generated D.C., direct current and served 59 customers. Edison believed Direct Current was safer than Alternating Current, and at the time was the only type of power which could be used in electric motors. But there were problems with D.C. The main problem was that Direct Current could only be transmitted about a mile without a disastrous drop in voltage. Edison imagined an electric system made up of multiple independent steam powered power plants in cities across the United States, with larger cities having perhaps several power plants, and wealthy individuals, perhaps installing their own steam powered dynamos. And with these parameters he began marketing his power systems, presenting proposals to half a dozen cities and offering to illuminate the houses of banker J. Pierpoint Morgan and William Vanderbilt. (Mrs. Vanderbilt put her foot down when she discovered her husband was preparing to allow workman to build a steam engine in the basement of her house!)
The young Westinghouse built a rotary steam engine, before designing a device to run derailed railroad cars back onto the tracks and a switching device known as a reversible frog, his first commercially successful inventions. Because the frog required extremely hard, high quality steel, Westinghouse moved to Pittsburgh in 1867, where he could obtain such steel, and where he sensed there were better opportunities for young inventors, such as himself.
In Pittsburgh he witnessed a train collision that both engineers saw coming but could not avoid because the brakemen who hopped from car to car, manually setting all the car brakes had insufficient time to set enough brakes to stop the trains. Westinghouse devised a system in which springs automatically pushed brakes against train car wheels unless held back by pistons supplied by air pressure generated by an air compressor at the engine. When an engineer wanted to stop his train he simply reduced the air pressure in the system allowing the spring powered brakes to come in contact with all the car wheels, at once. In the burgeoning railroad industry of the post civil war era, Westinghouse became an instant success. His interest in railroad safety soon led him to his invention of new signaling devices and the creation of his Union Switch and Signal Company which built and marketed them.
Westinghouse's work in railroad switches and signals introduced him into the broader fields of electric power and lighting and soon he was looking into developments in electrical engineering in both the United States and Europe. He instantly recognized the shortcomings of Edison's D.C. systems and at the same time was intrigued by the European's development of A.C. generators used in arc lighting and the work of Gaulard-Gibbs in producing transformers to step down the hi-voltage A.C. to voltages that could be used in residential incandescent lighting. Obtaining samples of Siemen's generators and Gaulard-Gibbs transformers in the fall of 1885, with his team of engineers, Westinghouse began examining them, re-engineering them, and working out their bugs. In January 1886 Westinghouse Electric Company was incorporated. In a short time Westinghouse Electric had twenty seven orders from municipal customers!
The years 1886 and 1887 were difficult years for Edison and his company. Westinghouse provided Edison with his first serious challenger. Though he had had other competitors, mostly small arc-lighting companies using imported dynamos, and patent-infringing incandescent lamp "pirates," Westinghouse was his first major competitor with the resources and engineering talent and products to create municipal power systems that could rival Edison.
Secondly, 1886 was a year of intense labor activity. Edison won a strike in his New Jersey lamp manufacturing plant by designing new equipment that automated some of the most labor intensive parts of the process, effectively eliminating many strikers jobs. That year he moved his machine works for building power systems to Schenectady, (ironically, the town his competitor, George Westinghouse, had left, a decade before.)
Near the Amtrak station, State St., Schenectady |
Main Campus, G.E., Schenectady |
It is not surprising, then, that when Harold Brown began his campaign against AC current he would find a ready ally in Thomas Edison.
Bldg. 32 (1892) The Lighting Lab, Erie Blvd.. Schenectady |
At the Chicago Exposition Nikola Tesla's AC motors were prominently featured. The brilliant Serb had conceived their design more than a decade before, but only gradually worked out their problems and convinced a skeptical electrical community of the necessity of creating generators that would produce A.C. power at 30 and 60 cycles/sec needed for their operation, instead of 133 cycles/sec that was typically used.
Another obstacle was overcome when Westinghouse engineers developed a device to convert A.C. to D.C. With cities all over the world becoming electrified, the dominant form of municipal transportation had become streetcars and streetcar manufacturers had followed Edison's early successes by equipping them with D.C. motors.
In the "War of Currents" A.C. was plainly winning in the marketplace. By 1891 Westinghouse Electric and the smaller firm of Thomson-Huston had produced almost 1000 electrical power systems for municipal customers and large companies; General Electric had installed only 202 D.C. local central power stations. When the bids were opened for the Niagara Falls power project, Westinghouse won with a two phase Alternating Current system. G.E finished a close second with a three phase system A. C. system. Clearly the engineers at G.E. had seen the light.
Time for A Break! My regular readers know it has been a full three weeks since my last post. (Thank you for your loyalty in checking back, perhaps, several times.) This summer has been a lot busier than I expected, and I admit after some 60+ weeks of weekly posts I am suffering from a bit of writer's fatigue. So I am taking the summer off. I will be doing some traveling, and of course, taking pictures of NYSHMs. From time to time I may write a post about some of my discoveries. I will return to regular weekly posts on September 1st. I will be sending out an Email reminder with a list of upcoming posts at the end of the summer. If you would like to receive it email me at Have a great summer!
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